Tag: Museums Athens

  • Developing VR experiences for cultural institutions

    Developing VR experiences for cultural institutions

       The Vive Studios program will fund and develop VR experiences for cultural institutions. Whether examining a priceless collection of ancient treasures or exploring an exhibit of historic war artifacts, museums have always provided an exceptional way to preserve and educate the public. But now institutions are aiming to make museum experiences more interactive and…


  • Onassis Cultural Centre [Gallery Profile]

    Onassis Cultural Centre [Gallery Profile]

    Where: Athens (107-109, Syngrou Ave) In a few words: The Onassis Cultural Centre in Athens is a cultural space which hosts events and actions across the whole spectrum of the arts from theatre, dance, music, cinema and the visual arts to digital and hybrid art and the written word.     Why: Also known as…


  • Contemporary Greek Art Institute [Museum Profile]

    Contemporary Greek Art Institute [Museum Profile]

    Where: Athens (9a Valaoritou St) In a few words: The Contemporary Greek Art Institute is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to document the course of art in Greece from 1945 to the present.     Why: The Contemporary Greek Art Institute was established in 2009 by members of the Nees Morfes Art Gallery in collaboration with art…