The Museum of Failure opens in Sweden

The Museum of Failure opens in Sweden

Many museums celebrate our greatest achievements, but now one in Sweden is showcasing a selection of innovation failures. Helsingborg’s Museum of Failure presents an amusing look at brand innovations that aimed for the stars… but missed.

Museum of Failure is a collection of interesting innovation failures. The majority of all innovation projects fail and the museum showcases these failures to provide visitors a fascinating learning experience. The collection consists of over seventy failed products and services from around the world. Every item provides unique insight into the risky business of innovation.


Some examples of the items on display:
• Apple Newton
• Bic for Her
• Google Glass
• Nokia N-gage
• Orbitoclast Lobotomy (medical instrument)
• Harley-Davidson Perfume
• Kodak Digital Camera
• Sony Betamax
• Lego Fiber Optics


You can visit the Museum of Failure here:

